Thursday, March 15, 2007

Alternative Realities?

What tempts people to lie, either deliberately or from omission, and think that they won't be uncovered? What false hope makes them believe that when public dialogue is involved it won't one day come back and bite them in the butts? Does James Holms not know or does he simply not tell the truth? Is it from intent, design or ignorance? Is it a manipulation of the truth, leaving out bits and pieces that make him look bad, in order to promote himself and the ESS show?

For those that have been following this drama, you know that I was banned from their message boards. NOT because of anything that happened ON that board but because I reported the actions of James "Holmey" Holms. The coward silenced my voice there but he can not keep me from correcting his myths here.Allow me to address his false points in a public comment he made yesterday.

post Yesterday,
11:50 PM
Post #166
Group: Admin
Posts: 3,258
Joined: 15-July 05
From: Frozen Tundra
Member No.: 20

This is the first time I have read this thread so forgive my tardy
response. First of all, if any of you have left before I responded, I hope you
don’t let your perception of the last months events drive you away for good.
Doc, you have been a quality and welcomed member on this board. That’s why I’m
dismayed that you have decided to believe Senihele’s version of events.
Actually, I’ve read her blog about the event and it supports what I have said
all along. I have not divulged what happened because I have had numerous people
on this board tell me that she is frail. I will not say any more about her
condition because I have no proof other than word of other board members.

Name those people, Holmey. Rich apparently divuldged some personal information to you that said I had some individual personal stress going on at the time. (Thanks, Rich!!! Good buddy!!!) but you're laughed off the board when you suggest I'm "FRAIL" That's nonsense.

Shall we play tit for tat? Is this what the "producer" of the 5th most important talk show host needs to put his time on? Tell me, do you hold that any publicity is good? Do you not see the people who have stepped away from your board? Do you read the villianization of the ESS and of you on other liberal boards? Your listening audience is FINITE. Continue alienating them and see how long Ed remains "the #1 progressive talker".

I am no harasser.

Yes, sir, you ARE. When you call to berate and chew people out it makes you a HARRASSER. You didn't call to discuss, you called to set me straight. The SECOND I said DO NOT CALL ME AGAIN and you STILL called, you became a reported harrasser. How many times does someone have to tell you "no", Holmey? How many times until enough is enough. Your very first call to me was an exercise in futility. Both Rich and his wife have talked about arguing with you and remaining friends. That was their CHOICE. I chose NOT to subject myself to your tirade. One does NOT have to be afraid or in fear to say ENOUGH with the harrassment.

This IS what really happened.The dust up over ANS started on a Friday.I PMed Senihele on Saturday to ask if we could talk, she replied with her number and asked if we could wait until Sunday.I called the number she gave me on SundayShe went off on me, when I responded she hung up. I never swore at her, never called her a name and never raised my voice. She didn’t like that I had the audacity to disagree with her.

LIE. You sent me a PM and ordered me to CALL YOU. Sent your number with it as well. I told you I didn't have a long distance carrier. You then asked for my number. I hesitated because it was late and I TOLD YOU it was too late to get into it that Saturday night. I told you IF YOU WANTED TO DISCUSS THE ISSUE you could call after 6pm Sunday night. I EXPLAINED to you, giving you respect you WERE NOT DUE, that I had mass and then needed to move some furniture from my Mom's and wouldn't be home until after 6 pm. Sunday morning I was attempting to scarf down a bagel while reading the board and leaving for mass and YOU decided seeing my name online gave you permission to call. NO, IT DID NOT. I again gave you the benefit of a doubt and would have spent a few minutes dialoguing BUT you wouldn't let me finish a sentence. You talked over me. You shouted me down. You had NO DESIRE to talk but only to shove your opinion down my throat. I cut you off on that call. Told you that if you wanted to DISCUSS this issue you could call back at the previously arranged time but that I DID NOT ACCEPT phones calls to berate and harrass me. I didn't "go off" on you. I stated firmly that my phone number was not something to be abused and yes, I then hung up.A WEEK later you posted on the ESS board that I DIDN'T WANT TO TALK AND WAS PLAYING A VICTIM. That statement in itself was COMPLETELY untrue.

Almost 3 days passed with more back and forth on the board. Senihele started a “where America comes to talk” threadOn Wednesday night I called her again and we had a productive talk. We agreed that things we both posted in that thread were not good. We agreed to edit some of our responses. I pulled the thread off the board for a few minutes and deleted some of both of our posts, and then I put it back.

Productive? Really? You have an odd notion of "productive". You admitted in another thread you had second thoughts and after talking to Rich, put the thread back. Better hurry and delete all the incriminating posts before Lila pokes around again. PRoductive talk my ass. You called at 11 PM, woke my mother up and I IMMEDIATELY told you it was too late for this. You asked me to EDIT my post in a thread that suggested you had lied. I agreed IF you would edit your comment about my playing a victim.You didn't edit. YOU DELETED the thread and later admitted you did so and then reinstated it.Note to Holmey: EDITING is not DELETING. Is English your first language?

Almost 3 more days passed and she started a thread claiming that I had deleted the WACTT thread.On Saturday night I called her again, here is the transcript of the entire call.Holmey: Hi, this is James Holm from the Ed Schultz Show. Do you have a minute?Senihele: NO, CLICK.That’s it, nothing more.

YOU are a BLATENT liar or have the shortest memory retention in history. When I told you "no" your next words were "Well, let me tell you something, if you don't stop.." and yes, THEN I hung up. What part of "no" doesn't get to you, Holmey? What part of DO NOT CALL ME doesn't seep through your skull to that small center of comprehension that exists inside your head?You DIDN'T have the decency to just hang up which is why I immediately starting researching what steps I hould take to make sure you understood you were not to call my home again. MY HOME, Holmey. Not your studio. MY PRIVATE RESIDENCE. YOU don't have a right to harrass me there because of some perceived problem on an internet bulletin board.

I called Plunderer and asked how he thought we should move forward. We agreed that I would just post how I only deleted the thread to clean it up and put it back.

You just contradicted yourself, Bubba. You didn't put it back until after you talked to Rich yet you took it down only to clean it up.

About 30 minutes later my phone rings and it’s the WV state police. I told the officer the situation and he chuckled and said that I shouldn’t communicate with her anymore.

Yeah, I bet he chuckled. btw, it was nearly an HOUR after the call when I made the report. Considering your memory for details I have strong doubts about this "chuckle" however, YOU could have avoided this entire episode by listening the first time when I said DO NOT CALL ME.

I called Plunderer back and we decided that it would be best if she wasn’t a part of this community any longer.

Really??? Then how come Rich told ME that I was important to the board, that you didn't have a clue as to how to run the forum and neither did Matt, who he was not going to train - his words, and that what he wanted was what was important. He told me not to worry about it, that he would fix it, that he wanted me on the board. At least you finally admitted I was banned from the board because of my objections to your PERSONAL actions and not because of anything that happened on the board.

She never, and I repeat never, told me not to call her. In fact she gave me her number and agreed to talk.

Another LIE. Thanks Lila!

Feb 16 2007,
05:55 AM
Post #86
Gotcha Mitzy!
18 parsys!
Group: Members
Posts: 12,436
Joined: 19-July 05
Member No.: 202
QUOTE(Holmey @ Feb 15 2007, 11:46 PM) I thought we agreed to delete it
until we talked again.

We did NOT
You asked me to edit my comment about you being a liar and I agree if you
would edit yours that made the claim I was avoiding talk and was playing a
victim.NO need to attempt to call me tonight,Holmey. YOU go ahead and fill in
the blanks. It seems you do that whether anyone talks to you or not. What a
SHAM. What a TOTAL Sham!

Feb 16 2007,
04:59 AM
Post #87
Gotcha Mitzy! 18 parsys!
Group: Members
Posts: 12,436
Joined: 19-July 05
Member No.: 202
QUOTE(Holmey @ Feb 15 2007, 11:47 PM) I thought you didn't have time right

I DIDN'T but YOU DELETED the THREAD.You know what, I don't HAVE to EXPLAIN my
life, my time OR my board habits to you.I don't have to explain to you that it's
almost six and I'm getting ready to leave my house whileyou're still in your
bed. I don't have to explain that at 11 at night when you call without
warningthat I don't have the energy to get into a long distribe with you - which
btw doesn't seem to matter since you hear what you want - BUT I DID. And I
invited you to call back at another time to discuss the issue.Not nowDO NOT CALL
ME AGAIN You change the meaning and intent of my words. You asked me not to say
you were lying but bud, from where I stand it sure seems like it because you
attribute things to me I DID NOT SAY.Anyone who wants my email please msg me
because I expect to be gone soon. It's obvious that dissention is not allowed in
Holmey land.

She called some of the other moderators on this board and yelled at them for hours and days after this happened. She ran my name through the mud on this and many other boards. She reached out to many of you and more or less called me a misogynist harasser.

I called RICH Saturday night, there was no yelling, and who at the end of the conversation said: IF YOU EVER HAVE A RUN IN WITH HOLMEY AGAIN, CALL ME BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING ELSE. There was no yelling and I wonder if he'll NOW have the question of conscience about which horse he ultimately backed with this. Oh wait! I did call GoU as well and asked him to delete my personal pictures. He was pleasant and wished me well.

See Holmey, the issue was never about a simple phone call, it was about the TONE yours took. My conversations with others from the board has NEVER been contentious and harrassing until YOU. Which again begs the question, why would a producer of the #5 talker take this tact?

I kept this to myself and the moderation team. I have asked them never to tell this story in fear that she would use it to bring more attention to herself.I changed my mind after reading this thread.Enough is enough.I understand the inclination to defend any woman when she accuses a man of harassment. Sadly this has gone above and beyond reason on this board.If disagreeing with someone makes you a harasser how many of you have to wear that hat?

More bullshit. I've disagreed with a lot of people at ESS and never accused any of harrassment. YOU stepped over the line with your phone calls. YOU stepped over the line when you refused to aquiese to the request NOT to call me again.

I will ask the members of this board that took Senihele's words for gospel to be as fair to me. I would also ask you this; would you let someone post a message at your workplace accusing you of harassment if you were in my shoes? This board has moved along without her, I’m assuming she has done the same.Doc, Mac and any of the rest of you, move along if you must, just be fair.I didn’t break any rules or laws. I’m not a harasser.

Yes, you ABSOLUTELY are. It wasn't just me that found themselves suspended. You suspended another member for refusing to call you. You suspended someone over the Phoenix incident because of their refusal of your phone calls. You've left a trail, Holmey, and most of us kept the private messages. (Thanks Rain!)

Please quit beating up on Matt & Plun, they both disagreed with me about ANS, and they both know the stone cold facts of the Senihele episode.

Not from you they surely don't. It's sad that they have chosen to back someone of such questionable ethics but that's their choice. But in doing so they accept the consequences of their actions and that is, they have lost the respect and good wishes of many ESS members. I bet Al's mama has an expression: Ya lie down with dogs and you get fleas.

One last thing.Did you hear what Ed called Newt on Friday?Where is the outrage--------------------HolmeyProducerEd Schultz Show

You missed it???
I think its safe to say many of us no longer listen to Ed.

Editing to add a couple of other points:
LeeB was also deleted from the ESS boards. Holmey evidently gave varying stories on why this was done. Matt first thought it was over personal attacks. (Rich and Holmey, y'all leaving him out of the loop?) and then she was accused of boycotting Ed's show. A TOTAL fabrication. Too bad the posts were deleted before the mods could actually read the comments Holmey objected to. Lemme give you a hint guys: Lee even stated she was NOT advocating anyone stop listening to Ed. Note to Holmey: You appear not to be able to understand that listening to ANOTHER progressive talker is not the same as insulting/boycotting/attacking Ed and the ESS show. What is it? Do you feel threatened by anyone else's success?

The suspension of Blue, Rain and Lindy:

I got one thing to say. Evidently rules don't apply to Holmey cause you are WELL aware he has sock puppets on that board designed to divert attention and boost the appearance of support Ed receives.

Shame on all you.

One more thing I want to add:
Posters have been banned from the ESS forums when they pursue another poster through private messages when someone has made the decision to end the dialogue and ignore said poster. They label it harrassing. How ironic is it that I'm condemned by the mods because I wanted no part of private communication from Holmey that I still consider harrassing? Oh, the irony. Evidently the only time they feel action is warranted is when it's against a poster who doesn't share their political ideology.


At 11:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have already taken a public position in support of Seni on this issue.


Because another female member of the ESS board confided to me that she was similarly harassed on the telephone by the same person in the past month. And over the same issue. Ed's on air comment that Anna Nicole Smith was a wh***.

In his posted response to Seni's claim, he neglected to address the other victim. Of course she didn't file a report, so perhaps he thought no one knew about it.

Since I believe he will read this blog, I'd like to take this opportunity to inform him.

I know.
And now, so do others.


At 6:29 PM, Blogger Al from WV said...

So the other side of the story has been "released." I've known is was for a little bit.

Every story has two sides, at least. Each deserves an objective consideration. I have done so, and may return with my conclusions.

In the meantime, Mac makes a point that REQUIRES serious consideration by any decent person.


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