Monday, February 19, 2007

Did progressive Talk work?

Did anyone hear the claims that progressive talk wouldn't work? That it wouldn't be viable?

I don't recall hearing the comment uttered but saw several posts from those who claimed to have heard the prediction.

Well, it's been a couple of years now. Did it work?
You be the judge:

Yes, there are a lot of conservative hosts there, the top 4 are all basically conservative, but scroll down the page and you'll see a fairly decent mixture of both conservative and liberal hosts.

It took Rush many years to open up his market. In comparison it's taken these liberal hosts a fraction of the time to make their mark.

The market is open. If someone fails they need to reconsider their tactics and style. And when someone begins to drop in these polls they might want to reconsider their methods and words.

A mixture is good. We need opposition. We need both sides to have voices. The dialogue must begin.

OH! And scifi geeks! Scroll down through that list until you get to a familiar B5 name. Jerry Doyle!!! A member of the top 100!!


At 3:37 PM, Blogger Al from WV said...

Still hanging in here, Seni.

Listening, watching, not forgetting.


At 7:20 PM, Blogger Senihele said...

Thank you, Al
Appreciations to all.

At 1:55 AM, Blogger Bruce McCurtain said...


I know this will sound like heresy, but take a look at the hannity boards. More ESS people post there than admit to it. There is a far broader range of opinion than you would expect. Many independents, progressives, libertarians, etc.

And nothing says you have to stay and post if you don't like it...

At least keep your hand in!



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