So you say you're a Christian
Good. Maybe you can answer some things for me because I don't understand some of the "Christian" logic.
How can you call yourself a Christian and then judge those in poverty? Didn't Christ say "judge not less you be judged"? How can you condemn them as shiftless or unwilling to work especially without even meeting them? How can that attitude be reconciled with Christ's message?
How can you offer to pray for the well being of people and then want to deny them health care? You'll pray for God to heal them but aren't willing to support the programs that might do the same? Did you ever think that the answer to your prayers might be you?
How can you be pro life and then not care about the quality of life those children live? How can you resent the medical and nutritional programs designed to keep that precious life that you advocated so hard for, healthy?
How can you call yourself a Christian and then judge or condemn another's opinion as less than Christ like if it differs from yours?
How can you profess Christianity and then seek to disrupt the process established to represent all by angry shouts and angry words?
How can you call yourself Christian and then deny the least of these? Wasn't that one of the mandates of Christ? And didn't he say when you attended them you would be attending Him? Or do you get to pick and chose who is and isn't worthy of help? Was that in his message? Could you show me where because I've missed it?
How can you call yourself a Christian and then not uphold the greatest of these? To love your fellow man as yourself. The greatest of these is love. Where is the love in the anger? Where is the love when you treat those without as simply lazy freeloaders? I see the judging but where is the love?
How can you call yourself Christian and then call into question a man's heritage simply because he's black? And please, let's not cloak that debate in the more politically correct terms. We both know much of this dissent is motivated by racism. Do you realize Christ wasn't white, despite the many portraits American's cling to that portray him as such.
We must be worshipping two different Christian Gods because I don't believe mine would ever uphold the greedy, condemning, judgemental words I'm hearing from "Christians" today.
I don't get it. I don't get how true Christians or Americans can turn their backs on those in need and then still claim the title of either.
When are we going to put our money where our mouth is? When do we begin to live up to the rhetoric we proclaim?
When will God be pleased with our actions and words? I'm sure He isn't now.