The Prostitute Known As Ralph Nader
His people are in WV again, canvasing for signatures so that Nader can run again in the general election.
I have come to despise this man. His supporters drone on about the corruption of both parties while Nader takes contributions from republicans to disrupt the process. He doesn't want to win. He has no real desire to be president. If he did he would begin his campaign early.
Instead he is a prostitute, selling himself to interfere with with the process. Please DON'T make me ill by saying my irritation at his antics means I don't want people to have choices. You HAD choices during the primary. Where was Nader then? He was sitting back, waiting on the highest bidder.
He's a sham. He cost Gore the election and did damage to Kerry. He needs to disappear from the political scene completely.
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