Saturday, June 30, 2007

Division As A Political Tool

There are those that know and understand that division will sometimes happen in politics and in life. We accept the condition but yet work to fill in the gaps because we acknowledge that division does nothing to improve the political landscape. Nothing will grow on land that is pocked by deep chasms of political division. It is imperitive that we find a compromise that allows us to bridge the gap.

Then there are those so short sighted and so blind that they believe division is the only way politics should work. These are the people motivated by their own self interests. The ones who could care less about progressing this nation and worry only about their political concerns. Their care is NOT for the common man or even the common good but is completely and totally motivated by what profits and promotes their own agendas. These are the people we must watch, the ones that must be called on their hypocrisy.

The fight is long and tiring but if we hope to move forward as a nation it must be fought.

The supreme court has aided these people at the highest level. They have enabled a free use of "issue ads" which will come from special interest groups and which will morph and mislead the argument from both sides.

Disinformation is the rule of the day. It is being spread all the way from the big money groups to the small promoter spewing his own brand of venom.

If we don't stop the rhetoric and deal with people..
If we don't stop labeling those who disagree with us as evil...
If the main focus is not reaching an understanding instead of furthering a division..
We are doomed.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

The End Of Civility?

When did politics become a "we" vs "them" battle to the death? Seriously. When did it decline to these depths?

Please don't say George Bush brought us to this because much of the inability to communicate that I encounter comes from hard line left wingers who see the political arena as some sort of glorious battle that only one gladiator can emerge from with victory.

Did it begin during the turmoil of the Vietnam War and then continue through Nixon's demise? Or has the use of the media, and their need for constant ratings, simply lead to a sensationalizing of every action of our political leaders? Have they encouraged a political divisiness in order to further their own goals?

Whatever brought us to this point, if rational and caring Americans don't pull back on the rhetoric and learn to disagree with policy without condemning the person supporting it, we are a nation doomed. We will become as broken as Iraq, filled with factions that refuse to communicate, refuse to dialogue, refuse to cooperate.

Anyone who believes politics doesn't involve compromise isn't dealing with reality. If your goal is to win at all costs, you become, imo, a terrorist. You certainly aren't a patriot whose concern is for our nation. You become someone who would prefer to "win" than progress.

If the two main political factions can't dialogue with each other, we condemn our future generations to a broken America, much like we are seeing in the middle east. Believe I'm wrong? Tell me why because I don't see a lot of concern for America in the political debates of today. I see more concern about "winning" at all costs - whether right or wrong. It's become a game.

We need our statesmen back. We need the political powers who knew it was okay to disagree with the position or the policy and still respect the man. We need those who understand that the BEST comes from opposing opinions that dialogue and compromise.

What we don't need is conquering zealots looking to further their own agendas. And by that I don't mean our politicans. I mean the political wannabes that spew their venom over the net and over public discussions.

He's sometimes called the everyday man.