Remember the bridge?
It was a heart wrenching story with much sorrow, but some miracles of survival. Truthfully, it was a miracle that more didn't perish.
But the pundits were so quick to exclaim a political fault. Why, of course it had to be the fault of Bush and his budget cuts that allowed the bridge to fall into disarray! Barring that, then it , of course, had to be the fault of the state political leadership who didn't allocate funding for upkeep! And when I suggested we wait for answers, those who claimed to be for freedom (play on word there bulletin board fans) shouted me down for being contentious.
Well, throw the crap in your own face. It was a design flaw and had nothing to do with the repairs that were needed OR GW.
Read it here
I don't like George Bush. I think he will be on record as the worst president in our history, but he's not evil incarnate. When your hyperbole drowns out common sense and the ability to look at any situation objectively, YOU are what you decry.