Thursday, December 27, 2007

Politics during mourning

The people of pakistan are in my thoughts today. A woman I saw as a brave visionary is dead. A victim, I believe, of political machinations.
The focus should be on Pakistan. She will undergo violent discord in the next few weeks. Emotions and anger are running high and an outlet, not necessarily a productive one, will be found.

Pakistan has been embroiled in political division for some time. Perhaps it was not pleasant but it has been necessary for the US to keep diplomatic ties open with Pakistan even if we were not supportive of it's ruler's decisions.

So I find it increasingly irritating that instead of focusing on the loss of this brave woman, some factions here decide to attempt to paint this situation as being brought about by US failed foreign policy.

Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf has always been a man who does as he chooses despite other opinions. For example, Rice spent time attempting to convince him not to declare emergency rule. Ultimately he did anyway. We have limited influence there but in order to have any chance of making inroads into Bin Laden's hideaways, we must have some sort of relationship with him.

Let today, at least, be about the loss of a woman who was a true leader. Save the rhetoric for tomorrow.


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