Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Has Don Blankenship jumped the shark?

Don Blankenship believes himself to be a political mover and shaker. Unfortunately he assumes the role of the WV version of Karl Rove. Every issue is twisted and spun. Evidently Mr Blankenship believes those of us in West Virginia are simply see through his obvious spin.

Now he's suing Joe Manchin and says if he doesn't win his lawsuit against Manchin, which claims to have violated Blankenships right to free speech, he'll quit politics.

I'd say uncork the bottles and celebrate but in reality Blankenship has had little effect on the political face of WV. The issues he spent millions championing did not turn in his favor.

Now he's sunk so low as to play a victim?

Come on, Don. Take it like a man and admit that your finger missed the political pulse of WV. Stick to what you know, and it ain't politics.


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