Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Good Riddance, Coach Rod

WVU has lost their football coach. Now, I haven't been a rabid Mountaineer fan since the mid 80's when Saturday's routine meant a big screen and beer with friends.
But I intensely dislike Rich Rod's handling of this issue.

It's suppose to be about the kids. Seriously. It's suppose to be about the kids. Regardless of their abilities, college kids are still just that: Kids
The game for Rich was about Rich. WVU's players have put their hearts and souls into the team and truthfully into following Rich Rod. Now two weeks before the biggest game some of them will play, he packs it up and takes off. With two of their assistant coaches as well, if what I read is correct.

That's classless. That's tasteless. It's in bad form and it reeks of self interest.

I truly don't care if Rich Rod leaves, but when he disregards the kids who have followed him, it warrants comment.

Uncle joe has this one right. Why expect the kids to live up to the terms of their scholarships and promises if the coaches are held to different standards? Pony up, Rich. All 4 million.


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