Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Another Corporation Fails To Take A Stand

Stephon Marbury of the NY Knicks decided Michael Vick wasn't such a bad person. I mean, he's a good guy, right? Dog fighting isn't so bad, right? It's no worse than hunting.

Stephon needs to get his head outta his butt.

I have no smooth words when it comes to this issue. There's little profound or poetic that travels from my fingers to the screen.

I am angry.

I'm angry that this country condones such viciousness. I'm angry that innocent creatures can be used in such vile activities. In some ways dog fighting is symptomatic of what's wrong with us as a society. That we think its okay to use licing things and then throw them away or destroy them if they don't live up to our standards says much about the kind of selfish, egotistical, thoughtless, throw away people we are.

We abuse our animals. We abuse our kids, we abuse each other. We are thoughtless, self absorbed and so centered on self gratification that we forget to be thankful for the things that offer us love.

I am angry.

And it breaks my heart to think of the animals that trusted only to be betrayed.

But back to Marbury:

I wrote "Steve and Jerry's" who are the sole distributor of Stephon Marbury's athletic shoe. The reply, their defense of Marbury, was disappointing.

The email I received read:


Thank you for your email. Stephon Marbury and his Starbury brand have done great things over the past year for kids and families across the country.

While Mr. Marbury is not a spokesperson or an employee of Steve & Barry's, but rather of his own Starbury brand, and his opinions on all topics are his alone and do not in any way express those of Steve & Barry's, it has been widely reported and clarified (The New York Times, August 24th edition, and other national media) that he does not condone illegal dogfighting, and he has emphasized that Michael Vick was wrong for his participation in this and should be punished.

We appreciate your concern on this matter, and we also share your concerns at the highest level. Thanks once again for sharing your thoughts with us.

Warm Regards,

Well, Valario, you LIED. He most certainly DID excuse Vick. He most certainly DID defend Vick.

People are tired of this stupidity. I wish more voices would make them hear, make them understand that ANY attempt to rationalize dog fighting is WRONG.


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