Saturday, September 03, 2005

John Wayne

On a local board someone referred to the behavior of the mayor of New Orleans as being like "John Wayne". She took a Christian offense to the language he used in a press conference. How ironic that words offend her more than the neglect of human need. It doesn't seem to offend her that people are dying in the streets. It doesn't seem to offend her that for whatever reason rescue operations in New Orleans appear to have become a pissing contest for control. It doesn't appear to offend her that people are suffering and in the throes of hopelessness. No, none of that offends her. Words do.

The mayor of New Orleans called for an evacuation of the city. Those that could, for the most part, did. Those left behind were among the poorest in the city, most of whom did not have means to exit before the storm hit.

When the storm ended the mayor again called for help. And AGAIN called for help. And AGAIN called for HELP. His cries have fallen on deaf FEMA ears. Help has been slow in arriving and in many cases it has been too late.

There seems to be a need for "order" with FEMA director Brown. Order is good but immediately after a time of crisis there will often be some chaos even in the rescue attempts.
That's the time when you DON'T turn down offers of help. You bring them in. If you don't need them then so much the better but best to HAVE extra hands than to need them and be short.

The mayor's pleas went unanswered for days. That's a sad commentary on our preparedness and our compassion. Why the delay? Why the slow reply? Why weren't assets utilized? Who is in charge?

Course, this local bint that accused the mayor of "John Wayne" behavior also blamed the victims. According to her, they could have walked out of New Orleans before the storm hit had they really been smart.

America needs a reality check.


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