Sunday, August 21, 2005

Four More Years

Higher ranking officials in the army have said they plan on keeping a military presence in Iraq for the next four years, most likely at current levels.

It would appear that Bush is intent on helping supply the terrorists with recruits until he is out of office. It is amazing to me that the zealot supporters of this war of lies haven't figured out that we are our own worst enemies.

I can't define what drives them to be as intend on the war in Iraq. Is it simply anger from 9-11? I believe that is a large part of it. Is it prejudiced? Yes, absolutely, as they attempt to justify using racist terms and labeling all arabs as looking like the enemy so it's okay to take their rights away.

The US has lost her credibility with the world.

And the rationales for the war keep coming:
"Fight the creeps in theIR own country instead of have them fly here"

It is unbelievable to me that some still don't get it. SADDAM HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH SEPTEMBER 11TH!!!! As for not having them fight here, are the bushites really so arrogant that they believe the attacks have stopped in the US? Even our top Bush officials know it's simply a matter of time. We have so empowered the terrorists organization known as Al Qaida that they will have no difficulty finding martyrs for their cause.

Our witdrawal from Iraq will not have a good outcome, whether it's in 4 years or 4 days, but our credibility could be rebuilt sooner rather than later if our administration would simply have the guts to bring them home.

Some years ago I made the statement that we destabilized the area, that Saddam actually had a firm grasp on the unrest in Iraq. One local troll especially mocked me. That has now been proved true. Still they refuse to admit this war was a mistake. What are they so afraid of?


At 11:58 AM, Blogger Lisa Morgan said...

Great Post. I'm on the fence with a complete immediate pull-out. I think we are to blame for destabilizing the country (relatively speaking of course) and it would be even more criminal to simply pull all troops out leaving the Iraqi people with this mess of a mess.


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