Monday, September 26, 2005

The foibles Of Technology

I've been arrogant, I admit it.
"Gloating" almost, in my happiness.
I had freed myself from a bad situation and felt empowered by my choices.

I had Satellite Radio!

Much rejoicing and celebrating ensued! No longer would I be bound to that one right winged zealot that broadcast a scratchy am program called 58Live. Oh, and not just *any* 58Live,
it was now THE NEW 58Live.

Yeah, well...don't let anyone sell you on the idea that new is always improved.

Things were wonderful in commuter land until Friday. My antenna wire developed a fray and completely pulled apart.

Screams of hysteria ensued as I had to make the evening commute home with NO satellite radio. Fortunately I found some agreeable skip that made the drive bearable.

So then comes today. Unable to make it over the weekend to the mecca of all things electronic: Circuit City, I knew what my fate would be this afternoon. My choices would be the nasal twang of whatever pop singer was now popular or....*shudder*...Michael Agnello....

I bit the bullet and turned the am dial to the station I had hoped never to hear again. (Least not until Paul and Spike are rightfully restored to their pedestals.)

It took all of 30 nano seconds before I was once more yelling at the radio like a fishwife on a mission. MA's pious rant today began with WV's Chief Of Staff who evidently has a business that contracts with state government. Even Agnello admits this company does specialized work but he wanted to make the point that we (you must, you absolutely must hear this in the most condescending voice possible to understand the true tone of his comments) as good citizens, must be vigilant and watch these no bid contracts that could cover up corruption in our local government. Corruption that could cost us, the taxpayers, thousands of dollars.


Wonder if you will be as vigilant in your scrutiny of your idol, George "Bilkem" Bush?

80% of ALL contracts being given out in regards to Katrina cleanup and the rebuilding of the south are being given on a NO BID basis. Halliburton being one of the companies that has a free flowing contract that puts them on call for anything Bush and Cheney wanna throw their way.
Bush suspended the Bacon-Davis act which means minimum wage is no longer required and instead "prevailing" wages in the area will be the determining factor of what is paid. That's lovely considering "prevailing wages" in NO were only 9.00. Anyone think Halliburton will thinks twice at hiring laborers for 9 bucks and hour and turn around and bill the government 30? Didn't think so.

My path of pain stopped this evening. I made it to circuit city and with a blessed sigh of relief obtained another antenna and restored my satellite radio.

It was so moving.

I almost cried.


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