Saturday, September 17, 2005

Bill O'Lielly Spins Again

It sometimes amazes me as much as angers me, that the plight of the people in New Orleans can be twisted so as to make it seem that they were unworthy of rescue or help. I can't decide if O'Lielly does this simply to cover for Bush or whether he is truly as bigoted and ignorant as he sounds.

His latest spin is to place the blame squarely on the shoulders of the poor for being caught in Katrina and the levy breaks. In an incoherent, disconnective ramble, O'Lielly made his case for not providing relief. Not only does it morph their situation but according to O'lielly, most of those left in NO were drug users who abused their kids and who were basically unworthy of rescue and aid.

When does it stop? When does America find her heart again and stop using terms like "PC" to replace words like respect and equality.\

O'REILLY: Now, what's the real story? The real story is this: Ten percent of Americans, and 10 percent of any society, simply are so chaotic for whatever reason that they're never, ever going to be able to fend for themselves and make a living. They are either substance abusers, they're mentally ill, they're screwed up emotionally beyond -- they can't carry on a conversation, they're catatonic, schizophrenic, whatever it may be. No matter how much money you pour in, they're always going to be in that condition. It's not massive neglect, it's not; it's human nature.
Now, our government has a duty to provide a safety net so these people aren't living under bridges. But some of them are anyway, because all the entitlement money they get they spend on heroin or crack or alcohol. So they can't pay their rent because the money that they're given they spend on drugs and alcohol. So what do you do? Give them more money? They're not going to pay their rent, they're going to spend it on drugs and alcohol. And therefore, they're going to be out on the street with their hand out.
Many, many, many of the poor in New Orleans are in that condition. They weren't going to leave no matter what you did. They were drug-addicted. They weren't going to get turned off from their source. They were thugs, whatever.


At 12:53 PM, Blogger mtnman said...

I read once that 4% of the world population is psycopathic. They are not always poor people. Bill is such a jackass.

At 12:57 PM, Blogger Senihele said...

I'm wondering if he's on the RNC payroll.


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