Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Dear Bobby Rush....

So you find it offensive that I don't care about steroid use in sports?

Let me then reaffirm my total disinterest in your opinion. I am paying over 3.25 at the pumps to make my hourly commute to work. I am paying almost 23% more in heating costs this year vs last as well as dealing with increases in other utilities and food costs. Not only don't I CARE about what professional sports figures who are making millions of dollars DO with their bodies, I find it offensive that YOU waste MY time and money on this in congress.

If you want to regulate "drug" use then turn your attention towards the huge meth industry that is thriving. Put some money into law enforcement and rehab treatments. Ben tobacco sales once and for all.

But PLEASE don't try to bullshit America with your concern for sports figures.

Bobby Rush is a senator from Illnois. He is the chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade and Consumer Protection and made the comment today that those who find congress's obsession with this issue "elitists, the cynics and cultural critics".
He wants to move forward with meaningful legislation for the sports industry. I want him to move forward with meaningful legislation that will help the kids down the road whose parents were arrested for cooking meth.

Get some priorities, RUSH!


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