Friday, August 10, 2007

I hope I'm wrong

but I suspect the president and co owner of Murray Energy group in Utah may suggest they can't recover the bodies of those trapped miners. And I think he'll claim its too costly and difficult. They were 3 miles back in that tunnel. 3 miles is a tremendous distance when there's no plan in place to recover you if the thing collapses.


At 10:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, thanks for your blog comment.

I just noticed that you have the blog of a very good friend listed; "Laura's look". She and I bug each other on IM weekly. :-)

I see you're from coal country? I was born in coal country; in Harlan County, Kentucky. I grew up in St. Petersburg, FL. One of my cousins who still lives in KY leaves comments on my blog. She can empathize with the miners' families much better than I because her husband was a miner (not sure if he still is) and was trapped underground once for about two hours. (That's obviously not the same as being trapped for three days, but she can still somewhat relate to their feelings.)

I do my share of ranting and raving at my blog; feel free to drop a comment there any time.

At 10:06 AM, Blogger Senihele said...

When I saw your comment I remembered seeing your name on Laura's blog (which she doesn't update nearly often enough btw LOL)

I'm in Huntington, WV but I grew up in southern WV which has had more than its share of mine collapses. I told someone last night that had Murray held a press conference like that HERE, he'd have been run out of town on a rail.


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