Unsubstantive Politics
Dick Cheney accidentally shot a man in Texas while hunting and it's been fodder for jokes and malcontents alike. Some have even suggested Cheney shot the man on purpose for nefarious reasons.
Let's make no mistake here. I dislike Dick Cheney's politics. I think he is acutely aware of his own self interests which means his ethics and actions can and should be questioned. However, when the left takes on the great conspiracy theories as a rallying cry they do themselves a disservice.
It was an accident. Cheney did make sure he had a clear shot, Whittington didn't announce himself when he returned to the group. Both were irresponsible. Both were at fault.
I find plenty to bash Cheney about without resorting to such fallacious declarations.
Same with Rush Limbaugh and his weight or Mean Jean Schmidt and her appearance.
If this is where the political focus is going then the left has no more substance than the right and I don't believe that's true. I do think it's time for a change in regimes. Balance needs to be restored to our government and if for no other reasons, that's why I'll be voting mostly democratic in 2006.
But if we're going to make this a substantive election then let's address issues and not phantom arguments that have no form.
Hear Hear!
I think they should leave the comedy out of the politics and to the comedians. They are the only ones who can do it justice anyway.
I mean, is it funny that he shot a guy....oh yeah. In the same sense, it's also funny that our president almost choked to death on snack food...lol. It would have been a tragedy if anyone were to die from any of it, but nobody did, so that makes it just funny.
I dislike the fact that political parties start the bashing in order to make the other side look bad. Keep it at a decent level, and stop using the mistakes of others, or the mishaps of others as fuel for your own agendas.
Sorry for the rany....nuff said :)
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